


CNC G Codes M Codes

Standard CNC G Codes - Vertical and Horizontal Mills

Commonly Used "G" Codes - CNC Mill

  G00 - Rapid Positioning  G52 - Local Coordinate Setting
  G01 - Feedrate Positioning  G53 - Machine Coordinate Setting
  G02 - Arc Clockwise  G54 - Workpiece Coordinate Setting #1
  G03 - Arc Counterclockwise  G55 - Workpiece Coordinate Setting #2
  G04 - Dwell  G56 - Workpiece Coordinate Setting #3
  G05 - High Speed Machining  G57 - Workpiece Coordinate Setting #4
  G07 - Imanaginary Axis Designation  G58 - Workpiece Coordinate Setting #5
  G09 - Exact Stop Check  G59 - Workpiece Coordinate Setting #6
  G10 - Program Parameter Input  G60 - Single Direction Positioning
  G11 - Program Peramater Input Cancel  G62 - Automatic Corner Override
  G12 - Circle Cutting   CW  G63 - Tapping Mode
  G13 - Circle Cutting   CCW  G64 - Cutting Mode
  G17 - X - Y Plane  G65 - Custom Macro Call (Simple)
  G18 - X - Z Plane  G66 - Custom Macro Call (Modal)
  G19 - Y - Z Plane  G67 - Custom Macro Call Cancel (Modal)
  G20 - Input in Inch Units  G68 - Coordinate System Rotation   ON
  G21 - Input in Metric  G69 - Coordinate System Rotation   OFF
  G22 - Stored Stroke Limit   ON  G70 - Input in Inch Units
  G23 - stored Stroke Limit   OFF  G71 - Input in Metric Units
  G27 - Reference Point Return Check  G73 - High Speed Peck Drilling Cycle
  G28 - Automatic Return to Reference Point  G74 - Left Hand Tapping Cycle
  G29 - Automatic Return from Reference Point  G76 - Fine Boring Cycle
  G30 - Return to 2nd, 3rd or 4th Reference Point  G80 - Canned Cycle Cancel
  G31 - Skip Function  G81 - Drilling Cycle (Canned)
  G33 - Thread Cutting  G82 - Counter Boring Cycle (Canned)
  G34 - Bolt Hole Circle (Canned Cycle)  G83 - Peck Drilling Cycle (Canned)
  G35 - Line at Angle (Canned Cycle)  G84 - Right Hand Tapping Cycle (Canned)
  G36 - Arc (Canned Cycle)  G85 - Boring Cycle (Canned)
  G40 - Cutter Compensation Cancel  G87 - Back Boring Cycle (Canned)
  G41 - Cutter Compensation Left  G90 - Absolute Positioning
  G42 - Cutter Compensation Right  G91 - Incremental Positioning
  G43 - Tool Length Compensation (Plus)  G92 - Reposition Origin Point
  G44 - Tool Length Compensation (Minus)  G94 - Feed Per Minute
  G45 - Tool Offset Increase  G95 - Feed Per Revolution
  G46 - Tool Offset Decrease  G96 - Constant Surface Speed Contrpl
  G49 - Tool Length Compensation Cancel  G97 - Constant Surface Speed Control Cancel
  G50 - Scaling   OFF  G98 - Set Initial Plane (Default)
  G51 - Scaling   ON  G99 - Return to Rapid Plane

Standard CNC G Codes - Lathes

Commonly Used "G" Codes - CNC Lathe

  G00 - Rapid Positioning  G57 - Workpiece Coordinate Setting #4
  G01 - Feedrate Positioning  G58 - Workpiece Coordinate Setting #5
  G02 - Arc Clockwise  G59 - Workpiece Coordinate Setting #6
  G03 - Arc Counterclockwise  G61 - Exact Stop Check Mode
  G04 - Dwell  G62 - Automatic Corner Override
  G07 - Feedrate Sine Curve Control  G63 - Tapping Mode
  G10 - Data Setting  G64 - Cutting Mode
  G11 - Data Setting Cancel  G65 - User Macro Call
  G17 - X - Y Plane  G66 - User Macro Call (Modal)
  G18 - X - Z Plane  G67 - User Macro Call Cancel (Modal)
  G19 - Y - Z Plane  G70 - Finishing Cycle
  G20 - Inch Units  G71 - Turning Cycle
  G21 - Metric Units  G72 - Facing Cycle
  G22 - Stored Stroke Check ON  G73 - Pattern Repeat
  G23 - Stored Stroke Check OFF  G74 - Drilling Cycle
  G27 - Reference Point Return Check  G75 - Grooving Cycle
  G28 - Automatic Zero Return  G76 - Threading Cycle
  G29 - Return from Zero Position  G80 - Canned Cycle Cancel
  G30 - 2nd Reference Point Return  G83 - Face Drilling Cycle
  G31 - Skip Function  G84 - Face Tapping Cycle
  G32 - Thread Cutting  G86 - Face Boring Cycle
  G36 - Automatic Tool Compensation  G90 - Absolute Positioning
  G40 - Tool Compensation Cancel  G91 - Incremental Positioning
  G41 - Tool Compensation Left  G92 - OD Thread Cutting Cycle
  G42 - Tool Compensation Right  G94 - Face Turning Cycle
  G46 - Automatic Tool Compensation  G96 - Constant Speed Control
  G50 - Coordinate System Setting  G97 - Constant Speed Control Cancel
  G52 - Local Coordinate System Setting  G98 - Feedrate Per Time
  G53 - Machine Coordinate System Setting  G99 - Feedrate Per Revolution
  G54 - Workpiece Coordinate Setting #1  G107 - Cylindrical Interpolation
  G55 - Workpiece Coordinate Setting #2  G112 - Polar Coordinate Interpolation
  G56 - Workpiece Coordinate Setting #3  G113 - Polar Coordinate Interpolation Cancel

Standard CNC M Codes - Mills and Lathes

Commonly Used "M" Codes - Mill & Lathe



  M00 - Program Stop  M00 - Program Stop
  M01 - Optional Stop  M01 - Optional Program Stop
  M02 - Program End  M02 - Program End
  M03 - Spindle Clockwise  M03 - Spindle Clockwise
  M04 - Spindle Counter Clockwise  M04 - Spindle Counter Clockwise
  M05 - Spindle Stop  M05 - Spindle Stop
  M06 - Tool Change  
  M07 - Thru Spindle Coolant ON  M07 - Flood Coolant #1 On
  M08 - Flood Coolant ON  M08 - Flood Coolant #2 On
  M09 - Coolant Off (all coolant)  M09 - Coolant Off
  M10 - Table Pallet Clamp  
  M11 - Table Pallet Unclamp  
  M12 - Shower Coolant On   
  M14 - Spindle Air Blow On   
  M15 - Spindle Air Blow Off   
  M16 - Air Blast / Tool Changer   
  M18 - Air Blast Off   
  M19 - Spindle Orientation   
  M29 - Rigid Tapping   
  M30 - End Program  M30 - End Progarm
  M60 - Pallet Change   
  M61 - Load Pallet #1  
  M62 - Load Pallet #2   
  M98 - Sub Program Call  M98 - Sub Program Call
  M99 - Sub Program Cancel  M99 - Sub Program Cancel

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